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Fermo vacation rentals
Guest reviews for rentals in Fermo
13 reviews - Page 1/1
Brigitte M, 09/29/2019
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Rent even more classy and beautiful than described. Hyper clean. Close to all shops and restaurants but beautifully secluded, hidden, secure fenced, with great pool, fruit trees, olive trees etc., wonderful views of the mountains and valleys. Small remarks: beware of mosquitoes I got badly stung day and night, but my husband not at all. There was mosquito repellent in every room, well done. There were also the essentials (soaps, toilet paper etc.) and even coffee. Thank you. Pillows on pool loungers are needed for comfort. Hard to stay on the chairs "naked ".
Finally, as for our old vacation rentals, we expected a less cold human home, less "rental agency," more warm and cheerful. This welcome we had in the village, shops and restaurants. Lovely people.
We hope to return to this beautiful villa.
Location encore plus classe et belle que décrit. Hyper propre. Près de tous commerces et restos mais magnifiquement isolée, cachée, clôturée sécurisée, avec piscine super, arbres fruitiers, oliviers etc, vues magnifiques sur les montagnes et vallées. Petites remarques: attention aux moustiques je me suis fait méchamment piquer jour et nuit, mais mon mari pas du tout. Il y avait des appareils anti-moustiques dans toutes les chambres, bravo. Il y avait aussi les produits essentiels (savons, papier WC etc.) et même du café. Merci. Des coussins sur les transats de piscines sont nécessaires pour le confort. Difficile de rester sur les transats "nus". Enfin, comme pour nos anciennes locations de vacances, nous nous attendions à un accueil humain moins froid, moins "agence de location", plus chaleureux et gai. Cet accueil nous l'avons eu au village, dans les commerces et restos. Gens adorables. Nous espérons pouvoir revenir dans cette magnifique villa.

Villa Monterubbiano 1 to 11 people
Rental Montottone, to approx. 9.3 mi from Monterubbiano - Fermo Province - Marche
Fabrizio V, 08/27/2018
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Perfect holiday! Apartment ideally located, with beautiful views, corresponding to the description.
Owners very kind and helpful.
Thanks Andrea, to you and your family, for making us feel at home.
See you soon!
Vacanza perfetta! Appartamento in posizione ideale, con vista bellissima, corrispondente alla descrizione. Proprietari gentilissimi e disponibili. Grazie Andrea, a te ed alla tua famiglia, per averci fatto sentire a casa. A presto!

Apartment Porto San Giorgio 2 to 6 people
Rental Campofilone, to approx. 5.6 mi from Porto San Giorgio - Fermo Province - Marche
Andrea T, 10/18/2017
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Housing immersed in a beautiful landscape, far enough away from Montottone village but not completely isolated. Ideal place for numerous families like ours: children can play quietly without disturbing anyone with a large garden all available. Beautiful and large pool. Recommended place for those who want to spend a quiet holiday with all the comforts.
Abitazione immersa in uno splendido paesaggio, lontana quanto basta dal paesino di Montottone ma non completamente isolata. Posto ideale per le famiglie numerose come la nostra: i bambini possono giocare tranquillamente senza disturbare nessuno con un ampio giardino tutto a disposizione. Bella e grande la piscina. Posto consigliato per chi vuole passare una vacanza tranquilla con tutti i comfort.

Villa Monterubbiano 1 to 11 people
Rental Montottone, to approx. 9.3 mi from Monterubbiano - Fermo Province - Marche
Sonia T, 07/26/2016
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We rented the mobile home of three arches camping and had a great time! We found it very clean. The owners are very friendly and helpful. Surely we will be back!
Abbiamo affittato il mobil-home del camping tre archi e siamo stati benissimo! L'abbiamo trovata molto pulita. I proprietari sono molto cordiali e disponibili. Sicuramente ci torneremo!

Mobile Home Porto San Giorgio 4 to 6 people
Rental Fermo, to approx. 2.5 mi from Porto San Giorgio - Fermo Province - Marche
Teodora S, 01/12/2016
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Beautiful holiday spent with my children and my dog. Quiet beach at hand, convenient for children. Owners very helpful.
Bella vacanza trascorsa insieme ai miei figli e mio cane. Posto tranquillo con spiaggia a portata di mano, comodo per i bambini. Proprietari molto disponibili.

Mobile Home Porto San Giorgio 4 to 6 people
Rental Fermo, to approx. 2.5 mi from Porto San Giorgio - Fermo Province - Marche
Sergio C, 08/25/2015
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Excellent house close to the sea perfectly meets the description of the owners very helpful and friendly. Excellent home to be recommended to friends.
Casa ottima vicinissima al mare perfettamente conforme alla descrizione dell'annuncio proprietari molto disponibili e simpatici. Ottima casa da raccomandare agli amici.

Apartment Porto San Giorgio 2 to 6 people
Rental Campofilone, to approx. 5.6 mi from Porto San Giorgio - Fermo Province - Marche
Mario C, 07/05/2015
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Managers friendly and helpful, as described mobile home (maybe even better).
Delighted of my vacation, I return, I will return for sure.
Gestori cordiali e disponibili, casa mobile come descritta (forse anche meglio). Contentissimo della mia vacanza, tornerò, tornerò di sicuro.

Mobile Home Porto San Giorgio 4 to 6 people
Rental Fermo, to approx. 2.5 mi from Porto San Giorgio - Fermo Province - Marche
Anda Laura M, 06/29/2015
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Family atmosphere, managers very helpful and friendly ... We will be back!
Ambiente famigliare, gestori molto disponibili e cordiali...Torneremo!

Mobile Home Porto San Giorgio 4 to 6 people
Rental Fermo, to approx. 2.5 mi from Porto San Giorgio - Fermo Province - Marche
Giovanni F, 09/15/2014
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Very nice and well-kept matching the description, owners delicious and available to every request, we enjoyed it.
Appartamento molto bello e curato corrispondente alla descrizione, proprietari squisiti e disponibili per ogni richiesta, noi ci siamo trovati bene.

Apartment Porto San Giorgio 2 to 6 people
Rental Campofilone, to approx. 5.6 mi from Porto San Giorgio - Fermo Province - Marche
Martina F, 08/23/2014
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Owners and cordial apartment in excellent condition.
Proprietari cordialissimi e appartamento in ottime condizioni.

Apartment Porto San Giorgio 2 to 6 people
Rental Campofilone, to approx. 5.6 mi from Porto San Giorgio - Fermo Province - Marche
Lidia M, 08/14/2014
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Everything corresponding to 'ad.
Apartment clean and well maintained with a beautiful garden available useful if you have children and above all discreet and helpful friendly owners.
Tutto corrispondente all' annuncio. Appartamento pulito e ben tenuto con un bel giardino a disposizione utile se si hanno bimbi e soprattutto proprietari gentili discreti e disponibili.

Apartment Porto San Giorgio 2 to 6 people
Rental Campofilone, to approx. 5.6 mi from Porto San Giorgio - Fermo Province - Marche
Costanza R, 09/18/2013
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The new apartment is furnished in a functional way, very clean and kept very tidy. The garden is very nice. The hosts, who live in the same building, people are polite, helpful and very discreet.
The only drawback is that the house is close to the highway, a road and rail and what makes it, in the day, a bit 'noisy. At night, however, you can rest well. In addition, the closest villages to be reached by car.
The beach is reached on foot instead of in 5 minutes.
For those who like a holiday "sun and sea " is a good solution.
L'appartamento è nuovo, arredato in modo funzionale, molto pulito e tenuto molto in ordine. Anche il giardino è molto curato. I padroni di casa, che abitano nello stesso immobile, sono persone cortesi, disponibili e molto discrete. L'unico inconveniente è che la casa è vicina all'autostrada, a una strada provinciale e alla ferrovia e ciò la rende, di giorno, un po' rumorosa. Di notte, però si riesce a riposare bene. Inoltre, i centri abitati più vicini vanno raggiunti in auto. La spiaggia invece si raggiunge a piedi in 5 minuti. Per chi ama una vacanza "sole e mare" è una buona soluzione.

Apartment Porto San Giorgio 2 to 6 people
Rental Campofilone, to approx. 5.6 mi from Porto San Giorgio - Fermo Province - Marche
Roberto S, 09/13/2012
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Apartment Porto San Giorgio 2 to 6 people
Rental Campofilone, to approx. 5.6 mi from Porto San Giorgio - Fermo Province - Marche
13 reviews - Page 1/1