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Siena vacation rentals
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29 reviews - Page 1/2
Michel S, 10/03/2022
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Location with fairly difficult access for low vehicles, stones and difficult terrain. The maintenance of the toilets should be reviewed (showers clogged with limestone, leak in a room after a storm). But the rental is still very nice with a magnificent view and a great swimming pool. Have a good stay.
Location avec accès assez difficile pour véhicules bas, cailloux et relief difficile. Il faudrait revoir l'entretien des sanitaires ( douches bouchées par le calcaire, fuite dans une chambre après orage). Mais la location reste pour autant très sympa avec vue magnifique et super piscine. Bon séjour.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Ines M, 08/16/2022
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Clean, comfortable apartment, equipped with every necessary accessory and foodstuff. The owners are helpful, friendly people, and it's really nice to chat with them. We are really satisfied with this holiday.
Appartamento pulito, confortevole, provvisto di ogni accessorio e genere alimentare necessario. I proprietari sono persone disponibili, cordiali, ed è veramente piacevole scambiare quattro chiacchere con loro. Siamo proprio soddisfatti di questa vacanza.

Villa apartment Rapolano Terme 2 to 8 people
Rental Rapolano Terme - Siena - Tuscany
Sandrine G, 07/19/2022
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We spent 8 days as a family in this little paradise. The dirt road to get there is a little bumpy, but it's worth it when you get there. Calm reigns there and the view is breathtaking. The location is interesting not far from Siena, Arezzo, Florence (Bucine station 25 minutes away makes it easy to get there). Pretty little villages are to be discovered by mountain bike for the bravest starting directly from Monte di Rota. In short, a marvel...
Nous avons passé 8 jours en famille dans ce petit paradis. Le chemin de terre pour y accéder secoue un peu, mais cela en vaut la peine quand on arrive. Le calme y règne et la vue est imprenable. La localisation est intéressante non loin de Sienne, Arezzo, Florence (la gare de Bucine à 25mn permet de s'y rendre facilement). De jolis petits villages sont à découvrir en vtt pour les plus courageux en partant directement de Monte di Rota. En bref, une petite merveille...

Cottage Siena 4 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Kristina S, 08/24/2021
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This farmhouse has everything you need to guarantee a relaxing holiday. The apartment where we stayed is La Scala. The owner Enrico was really very kind and an all-rounder! His collaborator Rossella always available for anything. We had a really good time and the apartments are equipped with everything needed; we really felt at home. The indescribable panorama.
Questo agriturismo ha tutto il necessario per garantire una vacanza di puro relax. L’appartamento dove abbiamo alloggiato è La scala. Il proprietario Enrico è stato veramente gentilissimo ed un tutto fare! La sua collaboratrice Rossella sempre disponibile per qualsiasi cosa. Siamo state veramente bene e gli appartamenti sono attrezzati con qualsiasi cosa necessaria; ci siamo proprio sentite a casa. Il panorama indescrivibile.

Cottage Siena 2 to 4 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Nadine P, 08/11/2020
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We were with our 2 children for the first time in Tuscany. We spent 16 days there. The apartment was clean and equipped with everything you need. The pool was gorgeous and the view breathtakingly beautiful.
We had a problem with our car and the landlord more than helped us in the situation, thank you again for that.
We got tips for excursions and could always contact us if there was anything.
We can only recommend the facility.
Wir waren mit unseren 2 Kindern zum ersten Mal in der Toskana. 16 Tage haben wir dort verbracht.. Die Wohnung war sauber und mit allem ausgestattet was man braucht. Der Pool war traumhaft und der Ausblick atemberaubend schön. Wir hatten ein Problem mit unserem Auto und der Vermieter hat uns in der Situation mehr als geholfen, vielen Dank dafür nochmal. Wir haben Tipps für Ausflüge bekommen und konnten uns immer melden wenn es was gab. Wir können die Anlage nur weiter empfehlen.

Cottage Siena 4 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Andrea Z, 08/27/2019
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House corresponding to description, neat and clean, well equipped kitchen. Beautiful pool and outdoor spaces. Access obviously with a beautiful piece of dirt road also steep but passable without problems. WiFi very fluctuating.
Casa corrispondente a descrizione, curata e pulita, ben accessoriata la cucina. Bella la piscina e gli spazi esterni. Accesso ovviamente con un bel pezzo di strada sterrata anche ripida ma percorribile senza problemi. Il WiFi molto altalenante.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Anna A, 08/26/2019
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Ideal for discovering an unusual Tuscany made up of charming villages and breathtaking hills, beyond the usual cities of art or the sea,
Ideale per scoprire una Toscana inconsueta fatta di incantevoli paesini e colline mozzafiato, al di là delle solite città d'arte o di mare,

Cottage Siena 2 to 4 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Angelo I, 01/05/2019
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We stayed for 2 nights in one of the two apartments. Very nice furnishings, well heated and well equipped. Large outdoor areas that I suppose are very livable in the summer. The owners are exquisite and extremely available people with whom it is also pleasant to have a conversation. We did a couple of extra requests but they did not have any difficulty in accommodating us. Near the Bettolle Siena link road, in a strategic point to visit the beautiful Val d'Orcia and in any case to take advantage of the Rapolano thermal baths only 5 km away. If possible we will come back. absolutely advisable.
Abbiamo soggiornato per 2 notti in uno dei due appartamenti. Molto curato nell'arredamento, ben riscaldato e ottimamente attrezzato. Ampi spazi all'esterno che suppongo molto vivibili d'estate. I proprietari sono delle persone squisite e disponibilissime con cui è piacevole anche intrattenersi a conversare. Abbiamo fatto un paio di richieste extra accordo ma non hanno avuto difficoltà ad accontentarci. Vicino alla bretella Bettolle Siena, in un punto strategico per visitare le località della bellissima Val d'Orcia e comunque per approfittare delle terme di Rapolano a soli 5 km. Se possibile ci torneremo. assolutamente consigliabile.

Villa apartment Rapolano Terme 2 to 8 people
Rental Rapolano Terme - Siena - Tuscany
Antonio P, 08/27/2018
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Beautiful, clean and very comfortable house, fantastic location, wonderful pool.
The oven for pizza and BBQ is very appreciated.
The owner, Gianluca, always available and very kind.

Casa bellissima, pulita e molto confortevole, posizione fantastica, piscina meravigliosa. Apprezzatissimi il forno per la pizza e il BBQ. Il proprietario, Gianluca, sempre disponibile e gentilissimo.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Maryse B, 08/13/2018
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Very nice house in a beautiful area. Very warm welcome from Gianluca, full of advice available to visit the region. Between the visits, the hikes and the swimming pool, the whole family has found its account.
Très agréable maison dans une magnifique région. Accueil très chaleureux de Gianluca, plein de conseils à disposition pour visiter la région. Entre les visites, les randonnées et la piscine, toute la famille y a trouvé son compte.

Cottage Siena 6 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Michele D, 09/21/2017
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A place for those who love to dive into nature. Renovated house with respect. Cordiality by the host family. 30 minutes from Siena and Arezzo. We would like to come back.
Luogo per chi ama immergersi nella natura. Casa ristrutturata con rispetto. Cordialità da parte della famiglia ospitante. A 30 minuti da Siena e Arezzo. Ci vorremmo tornare.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Rose Anne P, 09/18/2017
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Beautiful location, quiet, well equipped houses !!! The pool is just splendid !!!! The description of the site corresponds in every respect to reality. Gianluca is an organized person, friendly and available and good advice! The staff is competent and pleasant ... we stayed 30 nights in this place more than perfect !!!! In addition the region is splendid, rich in emotions and discoveries ...
Endroit magnifique, calme, maisons super bien équipées !!! La piscine est juste splendide!!!! La description du site correspond en tout point à la réalité. Gianluca est une personne organisée, sympathique et disponible et de bons conseils! Le personnel est compétent et agréable... nous avons séjourné 30 nuits dans cet endroit plus que parfait!!!! De plus la région est splendide, riche en émotions et découvertes...

Cottage Siena 4 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Veronique V, 09/05/2017
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-This beautiful estate, very clean and well equipped gîte as well as outdoor facilities (games etc.), beautiful pool well appointed with various spaces in huts that give the impression of spaces for each gite. The view from the terrace is impregnable.
-The owner is very welcoming and very available.
-The road leading to the lodging is impressive on the first route but one becomes accustomed quickly. The lodging is fairly well situated at the tourist level, the station of bucine is an asset to go to Florence. The weekly festivals in the neighboring village (Ambra) are lively and convivial at the same time.
-Only weak point, the mattresses were not very comfortable but the owner will change them. The owner is very attentive to the permanent improvement of its lodgings.
-Très beau domaine, gîte très propre et bien équipé ainsi que les aménagements extérieurs (jeux etc.), très belle piscine bien aménagées avec différents espaces en paillotes qui donnent l'impression d'espaces pour chaque gîte. La vue depuis la terrasse est imprenable. -Le propriétaire est très accueillant et très disponible. -La route menant au gîte est impressionnante au premier trajet mais on s'y habitue vite. Le gîte est assez bien situé au niveau touristique, la gare de bucine est un atout pour se rendre à Florence. Les fêtes hebdomadaires au village voisin (Ambra) sont animées et conviviales à la fois. -Seul point faible , les matelas n'étaient pas très confortables mais le propriétaire va les changer. Le propriétaire est très attentif à l'amélioration permanente de ses gîtes.

Cottage Siena 4 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Loïc D, 08/20/2017
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Everything is set up so that you only have the worry of enjoying the holidays. Personal barbecues, woods nearby, all provisions in the kitchen and baby arrangements.
The other tenants were super discrete and a good respect of the neighborhood reigned. The terraces and outdoor living areas are very well laid out so that no one is disturbed in the evenings or for the siesta. Very quiet, incredible views, warm welcome, the tour of the pool is great with small spaces all around so not to be too embarrassed and not to be side by side in its deckchair. I recommend with the eyes closed this rental serious and even luxurious. Playgrounds behind the house with giant chessboard, swings and slide, sauna, bowls, ... everything is made for young and old to spend a good week in safety. The dirt road (on 5 min) well carrossable is well compensated by the magnificent setting. I also recommend the Duddova restaurant on the roadside. The products and proportions are local and excellent for 60 ? for 2. To do absolutely too! We will definitely be back! A huge thank you !!!
Tout est mis en place pour que vous n'ayez que le soucis de profiter des vacances. Barbecues perso, bois à proximité, toutes dispositions dans la cuisine et arrangements pour bébé. Les autres locataires ont été super discrets et un bon respect du voisinage régnait. Les terrasses et espaces de vie extérieurs sont très bien aménagés de manière à ce que personne ne se dérange le soir ou pour la sieste. Très calme, vue incroyable, accueil chaleureux, le tour de la piscine est grand avec des petits espaces tout autour pour ne pas se gêner aussi et ne pas être côte à côte dans son transat. Je recommande les yeux fermés cette location sérieuse et même luxueuse. Des espaces de jeux derrière la maison avec échequier géant, balançoires et toboggan, sauna, jeux de boules,... tout est fait pour que petits et grands passe de bonnes semaines en toute sécurité. Le chemin en terre (sur 5 min) bien carrossable est bien compensé par le cadre magnifique. Je recommande également le restaurant de Duddova sur le bord de la route. Les produits et proportions sont locaux et d'excellence pour 60€ pour 2. A faire absolument aussi! Nous reviendrons à coup sûr! Un immense merci!!!

Cottage Siena 4 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Andrea R, 08/07/2017
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The holiday house Palazzino on the property Monte di Rota is in a fantastic location, you have a beautiful view over the country, can enjoy the food on a nice terrace in front of this scenery. The house is well equipped, clean and cozy. A great plus is the area drumherum and the well maintained pool with many beautiful sunbathing areas, lawns, small pavilions and sun loungers. We felt very comfortable and well recovered. The path up to the property is partly steep, the last piece is gravel road, but that is all to deal with and the location and view of the house are worth the journey. The village of Ambra nearby is a lovely, charming place with all the services one needs for the local supply. Last but not least, the friendliness and helpfulness of the landlord should be mentioned.
Das Ferienhaus Palazzino auf dem Anwesen Monte di Rota liegt in einer traumhaften Lage, man hat einen wunderschönen Blick über das Land, kann das Essen auf einer schönen Terrasse vor genau dieser Kulisse genießen. Das Haus ist gut ausgestattet, sauber und gemütlich. Einen großer Pluspunkt ist das Gelände drumherum und der gut gepflegte Pool mit vielen schönen Liegeflächen, Rasen, kleinen Pavillons und Liegestühlen. Wir haben uns dort sehr wohl gefühlt und gut erholt. Der Weg hinauf zum Anwesen ist teilweise etwas steil, das letzte Stück ist Schotterpiste, aber das ist alles zu bewältigen und Lage und Ausblick des Hauses lohnen die Anfahrt. Das Dorf Ambra in der Nähe ist ein sympathischer, hübscher Ort mit allen Angeboten, die man für die Nahversorgung braucht. Nicht zuletzt erwähnt werden sollte die Freundlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft des Vermieters.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Geraldine C, 07/25/2017
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Perfect rental, quiet location very well equipped, the owner is extremely kind and always listening. We had a great holiday.
Location parfaite, endroit calme très bien équipé, le propriétaire est d'une extrême gentillesse et toujours à l'écoute. Nous avons passé de très bonnes vacances.

Cottage Siena 2 to 4 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Monia Z, 01/18/2016
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The house is beautiful both inside and outside. Excellent access to both countries very nice in Tuscany and Umbria. The only drawback, if you really want to find the showers, especially on the ground floor: the curtain is unbearable xchè tagging along plus the bathroom was always flooded even though we were careful. In summer it is perhaps a minor problem, in winter no! If I may suggest to the owner by the way very kind: put some nice glass showers, so the bathrooms are up to the rest of the house! And better to explain the operation of the boiler so you avoid unpleasant surprises!
La casa è molto bella sia internamente che all'esterno. Posizione comodissima per raggiungere paesi molto carini sia in toscana che in Umbria. Unico neo,se proprio vogliamo trovarlo, le docce, soprattutto quella al piano terra: la tendina è insopportabile xchè si appiccica addosso in più il bagno era sempre allagato nonostante stessimo attenti. In estate forse è un problema di poco conto,in inverno no! Se posso dare un suggerimento alla proprietaria tra l'altro gentilissima : mettete dei bei vetri alle docce, così anche i bagni saranno all'altezza del resto della casa! E spieghi meglio il funzionamento della caldaia così si evitano brutte sorprese!

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
André L, 09/23/2015
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The lighting in the kitchen should be improved. Similarly, a lamp near an armchair would be welcome for comfortable reading in the evening.
L'éclairage de la cuisine devrait être amélioré. De même, un lampadaire près d'un fauteuil serait le bienvenu pour une lecture agréable en soirée.

Cottage Siena 4 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Laurent L, 09/03/2015
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Very welcome. The owner mastering several languages. This facilitates trade. Gianluca is very available to meet our various demands.
Très bon accueil. Le propriétaire maîtrise plusieurs langues. Cela facilite les échanges. Gianluca reste très disponible pour répondre à nos différentes sollicitations.

Cottage Siena 4 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Luc G, 08/09/2015
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Beautiful location with a very enthusiastic and helpful owner.
A must for those who want peace.
Schitterende locatie met een zeer enthousiaste en behulpzame eigenaar. Een aanrader voor wie rust wil.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
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29 reviews - Page 1/2