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Sotta vacation rentals
Guest reviews for rentals in Sotta
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Scarcella E, 07/02/2024
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We had a very good time in Anne Marie's house. The description corresponded and we found the house equipped and very well looked after. The location is beautiful, convenient to all the beaches of southern Corsica, with a beautiful garden and a view of the bay of Porto Vecchio. The deposit method must be reviewed.
Ci siamo trovati molto bene nella casa di Anne Marie. La descrizione corrispondeva e abbiamo trovato la casa accessoriata e molto curata. Bella la posizione, comoda a tutte le spiagge della Corsica del sud, con un bel giardino e la vista sulla baia di Porto Vecchio. Va rivista la modalità della caparra.

Villa Porto Vecchio 5 to 6 people
Rental Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Frank N, 06/21/2024
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A dream house with absolute peace and quiet and a perfect landlord, Patrick. The beautiful beach of Pinarellu is 10 minutes away. The house is perfectly and very stylishly furnished. TV with all the important German channels. The outdoor shower is great.
We want to come back and thank you Patrick for everything.
See you soon
Ein Traumhaus mit absoluter Ruhe und einem perfekten Vermieter Patrick. In 10 Minuten an dem schönen Strand von Pinarellu. Das Haus ist perfekt und sehr stilvoll eingerichtet. TV mit allen wichtigen deutschen Programmen. Aussendusche ist super. Wir wollen wiederkommen und vielen Dank Patrick für alles. Bis bald

Villa Porto Vecchio 2 to 4 people
Rental Zonza, to approx. 7.5 mi from Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Marie France C, 05/09/2024
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We are delighted with this stay! The place as well as the rental conformed to the description.
The owners were very friendly and very attentive.
Nous sommes ravis de ce séjour ! L’endroit ainsi que la location étaient conformes à la description. Les propriétaires étaient très sympathiques et très à l’écoute.

Villa Porto Vecchio 2 to 4 people
Rental Zonza, to approx. 7.5 mi from Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Valérie D, 01/03/2024
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This is the 2nd time that my partner and I have gone there, it's still great.
Very nice apartment, spacious, very well arranged with great taste, there is everything you need, the dishes are in perfect condition with absolutely nothing missing, everything is well thought out.
Just maybe a mini oven would be nice.
In addition, the owner is very kind, very welcoming.
Truly, we will return there with our eyes closed.
C'est la 2ème fois que mon conjoint et moi y allons, c'est toujours aussi bien. Très bel appartement, spacieux, très bien arrangé avec beaucoup de gout, il y a tout ce qu'il faut, la vaisselle est en parfait état où il ne manque absolument rien, tout est bien pensé. Juste peut être un mini-four serait bien. De plus, la propriétaire est très gentille, très accueillante. Vraiment, nous y retournerons les yeux fermés.
Bernhard H, 11/05/2023
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The house offers enough space for a family, is very well maintained and has a beautiful outdoor space. The footpath to the sea leads directly into a small bay. Thanks to the air conditioning in the bedrooms, the nights are pleasant. Because the mosquitoes don't allow windows to be open.
The managers of the house are very nice and uncomplicated.
Shopping options, including organic ones, can be found in nearby Porto Vecchio.
Das Haus bietet gut Platz für eine Familie, ist sehr gepflegt und hat eine schöne Aussenplatzgestaltung. Der Fussweg ans Meer führt direkt in eine kleine Bucht. Dank der Klimaanlagen in den Schlafzimmern, sind die Nächte angenehm. Denn die Mücken lassen geöffnete Fenster nicht zu. Die Verwalter des Hauses sind sehr nett und unkompliziert. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, auch Bio, sind im nahen Porto Vecchio zu finden.

Villa Porto Vecchio 4 to 6 people
Rental Porto-Vecchio, to approx. 3.7 mi from Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Francine S, 10/30/2023
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Pretty villa. Too bad the roller shutter in the master bedroom overlooking the swimming pool does not work.
On the other hand, we had to wash 2 bedspreads which were really stained.
Our stay was very pleasant, we were able to enjoy the heated swimming pool.
A large stewpot would be welcome when we come with 11 or 12 people.
Jolie villa. Dommage que le volet roulant de la chambre parentale donnant sur la piscine ne fonctionne pas. D'autre part, nous avons du laver 2 couvre-lits qui étaient vraiment tachés. Notre séjour a été très agréable, nous avons pu profiter de la piscine chauffée. Un grand faitout serait le bienvenu quand nous venons à 11 ou 12 personnes.
Serge P, 10/17/2023
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Well located, consistent with the description, good welcome.
Bien situé, conforme à la description, bon accueil.

Villa Porto Vecchio 2 to 5 people
Rental Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Anne B, 09/20/2023
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An exceptional place, quiet and entirely consistent with the description.
Un endroit exceptionnel, calme et tout à fait conforme à la description.

Villa Porto Vecchio 4 to 6 people
Rental Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Thierry S, 09/16/2023
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Beautiful, very well equipped studio in a quiet area.
Very kind owners and good advice.
Beau studio très bien équipé au calme. Propriétaires très gentils et de bons conseils.

House Porto Vecchio 2 to 4 people
Rental Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Paquita P, 08/20/2023
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Very quiet residence, comfortable and quality bedding, close to the beach, restaurants, post office, bakery, boat rental. The description and photos of the ad is identical to reality. The outdoor space is an undeniable plus for your meals. The accommodation is very clean and very well equipped with quality equipment? Not to mention your host who is always available to take great care of a great friendliness.
If you have the opportunity to rent this property, do it, I recommend it 200%.
Résidence très calme, literies confortables et de qualité, à proximité de la plage, de restaurants, la poste, boulangerie, location de bateau. Le descriptif et les photos de l’annonce est identique à la réalité. L’espace extérieur est un plus indéniable pour vos repas. Le logement est très propre et très bien équipé avec du matériel de qualité… Sans parler de votre hôte toujours disponible aux petits soins d’une grande convivialité. Si vous avez la possibilité de louer ce bien, faites-le, je vous le recommande à 200%.

Condo Porto Vecchio 4 to 6 people
Rental Lecci, to approx. 5 mi from Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Virginie L, 08/07/2023
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Very nice house very well equipped and very pleasant to live in a very beautiful environment. Large and beautiful swimming pool. We had a great vacation and will be happy to come back.
Thanks to Dorothée for her warm welcome.
Très belle maison très bien équipée et très agréable à vivre dans un très bel environnement. Grande et belle piscine. Nous avons passé d’excellentes vacances et nous reviendrons avec plaisir. Merci à Dorothée pour son accueil chaleureux.

Villa Bonifacio 6 to 10 people
Rental Bonifacio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Othman S, 07/31/2023
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Top apartment, check-in and check-out were very uncomplicated. The location is great! You only have to walk around the corner to get to the beach. The rooms are large and there is plenty of space for 5 people. Super great garden where you can sit in peace with the family in the evening. It was very clean and Gabrielle helped us with everything.
We will definitely come back.
Top Ferienwohnung, Check-In und Check-Out waren sehr unkompliziert. Die Lage ist top! Zum Strand muss man nur um die Ecke laufen. Die Zimmer sind groß und man hat für 5 Personen viel Platz. Super tolle Garten wo man Abends mit der Familie in Ruhe sitzen kann .Es war sehr sauberer und Gabrielle hat uns bei allem geholfen. Wir werden bestimmt wiederkommen.

Condo Porto Vecchio 4 to 6 people
Rental Lecci, to approx. 5 mi from Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Virginie C, 07/24/2023
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We had a very good week with very kind hosts and little attentions waiting for you on arrival. Rental very well located, very clean.
I recommend 100%.
Nous avons passé une très bonne semaine avec des hôtes très gentils et des petites attentions qui vous attendent à l'arrivée. Location très bien située, très propre. Je recommande à 100%.

Villa apartment Porto Vecchio 2 to 4 people
Rental Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
David L, 07/16/2023
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I recommend 200%. Very welcoming host.
Je recommande à 200%. Hôte très accueillant.

Villa Porto Vecchio 2 to 6 people
Rental Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Gilles C, 07/12/2023
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The villa is ideally located, close to the most beautiful beaches and Porto Vecchio. The residence's swimming pool and tennis court are a plus.
It should be noted that the equipment is of good quality as well as the bedding.
The welcome on site is warm and efficient.
Very good stay for which we keep an excellent memory.
La villa est idéalement située, proche des plus belles plages et de Porto Vecchio. La piscine et le tennis de la résidence sont un plus appréciable. Il est à noter que les équipements sont de bonnes qualités ainsi que la literie. L'accueil sur place est chaleureux et efficace. Très bon séjour pour lequel nous gardons un excellent souvenir.

Villa Porto Vecchio 4 to 6 people
Rental Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Raffaella Novelli N, 07/07/2023
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The apartment we rented had well furnished and comfortable spaces.
Nothing was missing in the kitchen to be able to prepare meals.
The garden is comfortable and nice, in fact we have always dined outside. Also suitable for those traveling with small dogs so they can stretch their paws independently (it's all fenced in and there's no danger of 'leaking'!)
The apartment is in a quiet area, 10 minutes from the beach and the crystalline sea.
Last but most important of all, Gabrielle and Violette are lovely ladies. Due to the ferry delay we arrived late in the evening and they waited for us and supported us in locating the apartment.
Patient to understand my broken French (they taught me a lot of new words!)
Very kind they made sure that our stay was comfortable and that we didn't miss anything (the apartment was perfect like this!). Gabrielle left us a handbook with advice on places not to be missed and much more.
Can't do more!!!
Thank you Gabrielle and Violette!
Au revoir!
Raffaella & Co.
L'appartamento che abbiamo affittato aveva spazi ben arredati e comodi. In cucina non mancava nulla per poter preparare i pasti. Comodo e carino il giardino, infatti abbiamo sempre cenato fuori. Adatto anche per chi viaggia con cani di piccola taglia così si possono sgranchire le zampe in autonomia (è tutto recintato e non ci sono pericoli di 'fughe'!) L'appartamento è in una zona silenziosa, a 10 minuti dalla spiaggia e dal mare cristallino. In ultimo, ma più importante di tutto, Gabrielle e Violette sono delle signore deliziose. Causa ritardo traghetto siamo arrivati tarda serata e loro ci hanno aspettato e supportato nel localizzare l'appartamento. Pazienti a capire il mio francese maccheronico (mi hanno insegnato parecchi vocaboli nuovi!) Gentilissime si sono preoccupate che la nostra permanenza fosse comoda e non ci mancasse niente (l'appartamento era perfetto così!). Gabrielle ci ha lasciato un vademecum con consigli sui luoghi da non perdere e tanto altro. Di più non si può fare!!! Grazie Gabrielle e Violette! Au revoir! Raffaella & Co.

Condo Porto Vecchio 4 to 6 people
Rental Lecci, to approx. 5 mi from Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Michela L, 06/26/2023
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Very nice house, clean and cared for in every detail. Equipped with everything! Fantastic location, the beach so close you can hear the sea. The outdoor space is truly remarkable! Privacy and total peace. The beach is excellent for children because the seabed is very shallow. The main services can be reached on foot and Porto Vecchio is 10 minutes away by car. Highly recommended!
Casa molto bella, pulita e curata in ogni dettaglio. Fornita di tutto! Posizione fantastica, la spiaggia talmente vicina da sentire il mare. Lo spazio esterno è davvero notevole! Privacy e pace totale. La spiaggia è ottima per i bambini perché il fondale è molto basso. A piedi si raggiungono i principali servizi e Porto Vecchio è a 10 minuti di macchina. Consigliatissima!

Villa Porto Vecchio 4 to 6 people
Rental Porto-Vecchio, to approx. 3.7 mi from Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Gerald B, 10/05/2022
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quiet location,
very nice holiday home, with all necessary equipment,
We felt very comfortable here, we only saw the landlords on the first and last day.
ruhige Lage, sehr schönes Ferienhaus, mit allem notwendigem Equipment, Wir haben uns hier sehr wohlgefühlt, die Vermieter haben wir nur am ersten und letzten Tag gesehen.

Villa Porto Vecchio 2 to 5 people
Rental Porto Vecchio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Thomas S, 09/18/2022
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On arrival we were greeted very friendly by the Ceretti couple. The first impression was overwhelming. The patio door opened and we were speechless. None of the images in the ad can truly represent this view. The water in the pool, the green, the expanse and the house in the background. Beds were made, towels were ready, the holiday could begin. There was enough of everything in the kitchen, nothing else was missing either. Unfortunately, the 2 1/2 weeks flew by. Our sincere thanks to the Ceretti couple for this wonderful holiday.
Bei Ankunft wurden wir durch das Ehepaar Ceretti sehr freundlich begrüßt. Der erste Eindruck war gleich überwältigend. Die Terrassentür wurde geöffnet und wir waren sprachlos. Keines der Bilder in der Anzeige kann diesen Ausblick wirklich wiedergeben. Das Wasser im Pool, das Grün, die Weite und im Hintergrund das Haus. Betten waren gerichtet, Handtücher lagen bereit, der Urlaub konnte beginnen. Von allem war in der Küche genug da, auch sonst fehlte an nichts. Die 2 1/2 Wochen vergingen leider wie im Fluge. Unser herzlicher Dank dem Ehepaar Ceretti für diesen traumhaften Urlaub.

Villa Bonifacio 2 to 9 people
Rental Figari, to approx. 9.3 mi from Bonifacio - Corse du Sud - Corsica
Stephane S, 09/10/2022
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Very good contact with Mrs. Chabert who is a very kind and accessible owner. The apartment is very well equipped. The bedding of the bunk beds should be renewed for total comfort. Access to the beach on foot is easy even with a paddle in hand. A plus: the outdoor shower ?. Very quick access to Porto Vecchio, same for the beautiful beaches in the region.
Très bon contact avec Mme Chabert qui est une propriétaire très gentille et accessible. L'appartement est très bien équipé. La literie des lits superposés devrait être renouvelée pour un confort total. L'accès plage à pied se fait facilement même avec un paddle à la main. Un plus : la douche extérieure 👍. Accès Porto vecchio très rapide idem pour les belles plages de la région.
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