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Tuscany vacation rentals
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Lara P, 08/21/2023
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All positive very nice house and impeccable cleanliness ... the wonderful cool place in the middle of the hill but also a 10-minute drive from the beach. Signora Isolina and her very kind daughter welcomed and pampered us throughout the holiday. Highly recommended.
Tutto positivo casa molto bella e pulizia posto meraviglioso fresco in mezzo alla collina ma anche a 10 minuti di auto dalla spiaggia. Signora Isolina e figlia gentilissime ci hanno accolto e coccolato per tutta la vacanza. Consigliatissimo.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO , to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Michel S, 10/03/2022
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Location with fairly difficult access for low vehicles, stones and difficult terrain. The maintenance of the toilets should be reviewed (showers clogged with limestone, leak in a room after a storm). But the rental is still very nice with a magnificent view and a great swimming pool. Have a good stay.
Location avec accès assez difficile pour véhicules bas, cailloux et relief difficile. Il faudrait revoir l'entretien des sanitaires ( douches bouchées par le calcaire, fuite dans une chambre après orage). Mais la location reste pour autant très sympa avec vue magnifique et super piscine. Bon séjour.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Limonta I, 07/03/2021
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Owner and 'the top .... the house is nice clean ... and as in the photo ... I would go back to have other holidays
Proprietaria e' il casa è bella pulita...e come da foto...avere altre ferie ci ritornerei

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 3 people
Rental Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Andrea Z, 08/27/2019
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House corresponding to description, neat and clean, well equipped kitchen. Beautiful pool and outdoor spaces. Access obviously with a beautiful piece of dirt road also steep but passable without problems. WiFi very fluctuating.
Casa corrispondente a descrizione, curata e pulita, ben accessoriata la cucina. Bella la piscina e gli spazi esterni. Accesso ovviamente con un bel pezzo di strada sterrata anche ripida ma percorribile senza problemi. Il WiFi molto altalenante.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Giuseppa L, 07/22/2019
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Very comfortable apartment in a tranquil setting with a beautiful view. The owner is very welcoming, discreet but ready to intervene for any need. Beautiful green space with Jacuzzi and sunbeds, to spend a few hours relaxing.
It's definitely a place to come back to!
Appartamento molto confortevole in contesto tranquillo e con bellissima vista. La proprietaria è molto accogliente, discreta ma pronta ad intervenire per qualunque necessità. Bellissimo lo spazio verde con vasca idromassaggio e lettini, per trascorrere qualche ora in relax. E' sicuramente un posto in cui tornare!

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO , to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Antonio P, 08/27/2018
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Beautiful, clean and very comfortable house, fantastic location, wonderful pool.
The oven for pizza and BBQ is very appreciated.
The owner, Gianluca, always available and very kind.

Casa bellissima, pulita e molto confortevole, posizione fantastica, piscina meravigliosa. Apprezzatissimi il forno per la pizza e il BBQ. Il proprietario, Gianluca, sempre disponibile e gentilissimo.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Michele D, 09/21/2017
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A place for those who love to dive into nature. Renovated house with respect. Cordiality by the host family. 30 minutes from Siena and Arezzo. We would like to come back.
Luogo per chi ama immergersi nella natura. Casa ristrutturata con rispetto. Cordialità da parte della famiglia ospitante. A 30 minuti da Siena e Arezzo. Ci vorremmo tornare.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Andrea R, 08/07/2017
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The holiday house Palazzino on the property Monte di Rota is in a fantastic location, you have a beautiful view over the country, can enjoy the food on a nice terrace in front of this scenery. The house is well equipped, clean and cozy. A great plus is the area drumherum and the well maintained pool with many beautiful sunbathing areas, lawns, small pavilions and sun loungers. We felt very comfortable and well recovered. The path up to the property is partly steep, the last piece is gravel road, but that is all to deal with and the location and view of the house are worth the journey. The village of Ambra nearby is a lovely, charming place with all the services one needs for the local supply. Last but not least, the friendliness and helpfulness of the landlord should be mentioned.
Das Ferienhaus Palazzino auf dem Anwesen Monte di Rota liegt in einer traumhaften Lage, man hat einen wunderschönen Blick über das Land, kann das Essen auf einer schönen Terrasse vor genau dieser Kulisse genießen. Das Haus ist gut ausgestattet, sauber und gemütlich. Einen großer Pluspunkt ist das Gelände drumherum und der gut gepflegte Pool mit vielen schönen Liegeflächen, Rasen, kleinen Pavillons und Liegestühlen. Wir haben uns dort sehr wohl gefühlt und gut erholt. Der Weg hinauf zum Anwesen ist teilweise etwas steil, das letzte Stück ist Schotterpiste, aber das ist alles zu bewältigen und Lage und Ausblick des Hauses lohnen die Anfahrt. Das Dorf Ambra in der Nähe ist ein sympathischer, hübscher Ort mit allen Angeboten, die man für die Nahversorgung braucht. Nicht zuletzt erwähnt werden sollte die Freundlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft des Vermieters.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Anne G, 09/24/2016
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Our holiday exceeded our expectations. We were very impressed by the beautiful apartment and the friendly landlady.
Unsere Ferienunterkunft hat unsere Erwartungen übertroffen. Wir waren sehr angetan von der schönen Wohnung und der freundlichen Vermieterin.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO , to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Jerome B, 09/12/2016
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We had a great stay in this spacious and pleasant house.
We enjoyed the tranquility and proximity to centers of interest and shops.
A warm and generous reception with delicious cakes prepared by Daniela.
Nous avons passé un excellent séjour dans cette maison spacieuse et agréable. Nous avons apprécié la tranquillité et la proximité des centres d'intérêts et des commerces. Un accueil chaleureux et généreux avec de délicieux gâteaux préparés par Daniela.

Villa Lucca 2 to 8 people
Rental Pracando - Villa Basilica (LU), to approx. 11.2 mi from Lucca - Lucca Province - Tuscany
Monia Z, 01/18/2016
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The house is beautiful both inside and outside. Excellent access to both countries very nice in Tuscany and Umbria. The only drawback, if you really want to find the showers, especially on the ground floor: the curtain is unbearable xchè tagging along plus the bathroom was always flooded even though we were careful. In summer it is perhaps a minor problem, in winter no! If I may suggest to the owner by the way very kind: put some nice glass showers, so the bathrooms are up to the rest of the house! And better to explain the operation of the boiler so you avoid unpleasant surprises!
La casa è molto bella sia internamente che all'esterno. Posizione comodissima per raggiungere paesi molto carini sia in toscana che in Umbria. Unico neo,se proprio vogliamo trovarlo, le docce, soprattutto quella al piano terra: la tendina è insopportabile xchè si appiccica addosso in più il bagno era sempre allagato nonostante stessimo attenti. In estate forse è un problema di poco conto,in inverno no! Se posso dare un suggerimento alla proprietaria tra l'altro gentilissima : mettete dei bei vetri alle docce, così anche i bagni saranno all'altezza del resto della casa! E spieghi meglio il funzionamento della caldaia così si evitano brutte sorprese!

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Marina M, 09/16/2015
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Owners very kind and helpful, so the neighbors especially Andrea who offered the products of his land: salad tomatoes and fresh eggs.
Even our two little dog thank you for the hospitality.
Proprietari gentilissimi e disponibili, così anche i vicini in particolare Andrea che ci ha offerto i prodotti della sua terra: insalata pomodori e uova fresche. Anche le nostre due cagnette ringraziano per l'ospitalità.

Villa Lucca 2 to 8 people
Rental Pracando - Villa Basilica (LU), to approx. 11.2 mi from Lucca - Lucca Province - Tuscany
Elizabeth Raphaela P, 09/07/2015
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Mrs. Daniela and her husband Salvatore are people really delicious: we were welcomed with all the attention desirable (they did find sweet and savory snacks and a bottle of wine, as well as an invigorating coffee after the trip). The house conforms to the description, in all the bathrooms there is a need and even more. The kitchen is fully equipped. The garden is beautifully maintained, full of flowers, the pool is convenient.
I went, my husband and two large dogs who have had all the space possible. He joined us for two days our daughter and Mrs. Daniela had prepared her for the second bedroom.
Finally, Ms Daniela gave us useful information on where to shop, where to dine and so on.
The surroundings are beautiful and you can visit Lucca, Bagni di Lucca and Montecatini.
We spent two perfect weeks and, if possible, we will return.
La signora Daniela e suo marito Salvatore sono persone davvero squisite: ci hanno accolto con tutta l'attenzione desiderabile (ci hanno fatto trovare spuntini dolci e salati ed una bottiglia di vino, oltre ad un corroborante caffè dopo il viaggio). La casa è conforme alla descrizione, in tutte le stanze da bagno c'è il necessario ed anche di più. La cucina è completamente accessoriata. Il giardino è molto curato, pieno di fiori, la piscina è comoda. Siamo andati io, mio marito e due cani di taglia grande che hanno avuto tutto lo spazio possibile. Ci ha raggiunto per due giorni nostra figlia e la signora Daniela aveva approntato per lei la seconda camera da letto. Infine la signora Daniela ci ha dato indicazioni utilissime sul dove fare la spesa, dove cenare e così via. I dintorni sono belli ed è possibile visitare Lucca, Bagni di Lucca e Montecatini. Abbiamo trascorso due settimane perfette e, potendo, ci ritorneremo.

Villa Lucca 2 to 8 people
Rental Pracando - Villa Basilica (LU), to approx. 11.2 mi from Lucca - Lucca Province - Tuscany
Chiara B, 08/27/2015
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Fantastic holiday! my whole family was happy to part my eldest son who unfortunately could not play pool but was dreamy table tennis ...
The only flaw is that the area 167 of Scarlino is purely residential so for anything necessary to get the car but otherwise we have a lot of fun!
hope to be back next August ...
Vacanza Fantastica! tutta la mia famiglia è stata contenta a parte mio figlio maggiore che purtroppo non ha potuto giocare a biliardo ma comunque si è svagato a ping pong... L'unica pecca è che la zona 167 di Scarlino è puramente residenziale quindi per qualsiasi cosa occorre prendere la macchina ma per il resto ci siamo parecchio divertiti! spero di poterci tornare il prossimo agosto...

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO , to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Joseph T, 08/09/2015
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The apartment is on the ground floor of 4 family apartments.
It is very tasteful and very well equipped, and you can park your car on the steps of the front door.
In the heat, if ventilation is well managed, the apartment stays fresh throughout the day.
There is no terrace for eating outdoors (damage), on reflection I should not have to hesitate to take it to the apartment of 100 ? more for enjoying an additional outdoor space.
Only downside is that the game space and jacuzzi are on the floor of the upstairs apartment and we could not enjoy it as much as we would have liked for the sake of not not wanting to disturb his tenants during their stay.
Nothing is within walking distance, always taking the car: it is the counterpart of a quiet and relaxing corner.
The owner is very helpful. They are a good recommendation of the entire village (along the village has only 800 inhabitants except during holidays).

L'appartement est situé au RDC de 4 appartements familiaux. Il est de très bon goût et très bien équipé, et on peut garer sa voiture sur le pas de la porte d'entrée. En pleine canicule, si la ventilation est bien gérée, l'appartement reste frais tout au long de la journée. Il n'y a pas de terrasse pour manger à l'extérieur (dommage), après réflexion je n'aurai pas dû hésiter à prendre l'appartement du dessus pour 100 € de plus pour profiter d'un espace extérieur supplémentaire. Seul bémol, c'est que l'espace de jeu et le jacuzzi sont à l'étage de l'appartement du dessus et que l'on n'a pas pu en profiter autant que nous l'aurions voulu, par souci de ne pas vouloir déranger ses locataires pendant leur séjour. Rien n'est accessible à pied, il faut toujours prendre la voiture: c'est la contrepartie d'un coin tranquille et reposant. Les propriétaire sont très serviables. Ils sont une bonne recommandation du village entier ( en même temps le village ne compte que 800 habitants hors période de vacances).

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO , to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Luc G, 08/09/2015
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Beautiful location with a very enthusiastic and helpful owner.
A must for those who want peace.
Schitterende locatie met een zeer enthousiaste en behulpzame eigenaar. Een aanrader voor wie rust wil.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Giada G, 01/20/2015
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The house reflects exactly the description of the ad, is a truly comfortable! The house is treated in detail, everything is in very good condition, is stocked with everything you need and more. I was a guest during the winter and then I could not take advantage of the wonderful garden and the pool, but I must say that the house inside is just as interesting, to relax then there is the wonderful hot tub can make more people. I recommend you stay in this house! And if all this were not enough, the owner is so friendly and helpful that you will not miss anything!
La casa rispecchia esattamente la descrizione dell'annuncio, è un ambiente davvero confortevole! La casa è curata nei minimi dettagli, tutto è in buonissime condizioni, è rifornita di tutto il necessario e anche di più. Sono stata ospite periodo invernale e quindi non ho potuto usufruire dello stupendo giardino esterno e della piscina, ma devo dire che la casa al suo interno è altrettanto interessante, per rilassarsi poi c'è la splendida vasca idromassaggio da poter fare in più persone. Vi consiglio vivamente di soggiornare in questa casa! E se tutto questo non fosse abbastanza la proprietaria è così gentile e disponibile che non vi farà mancare nulla!

Villa Lucca 2 to 8 people
Rental Pracando - Villa Basilica (LU), to approx. 11.2 mi from Lucca - Lucca Province - Tuscany
Anton N, 08/30/2014
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The Casa Leopoldina on Monte di Rota / Ambra / Commune di Bucine (AR) is a wonderfully and lovingly restored country house with high standard of comfort that leaves nothing to be desired. Particularly catches the eye that the owners were trying to preserve the old buildings as much as possible while providing a modern and super-equipped accommodation. Particularly noteworthy are the spacious sunbathing areas around the large and well-maintained swimming pool. Due to the height of the entire site you can enjoy an expansive panoramic views in the region - from the pool during the swim - and looks at night in the distance the lights of the city of Siena and other places in the area. The grounds, the pool and the grounds are maintained daily and are always tip top. The personal attention by the owner, such as whether something is needed, is excellent. The new Poule de Petance - conditioning challenged us to exciting competitions. The chessboard was during our presence nearing completion, I imagine it but exciting and relaxing at the same time before, to play a game of chess in the woods of the property.Monte Rota is also a good starting point for hiking and / or mountain bike tours of the area, with the precise maps and directions, who compiled into a guest session, the owner, is extremely helpful for orientation. Finally, the solid and provided with a solid base access road is to be mentioned that even prolonged and heavy rain (as often happens this summer) survives without washouts and is great to drive. This was certainly not our last vacation to Monte di Rota - sequel will follow!
Die Casa Leopoldina auf Monte di Rota /Ambra / Commune di Bucine (AR) ist ein wunderbar und liebevoll restauriertes Landhaus mit hohem Wohnkomfort, der nichts zu wünschen übrig lässt. Besonders ins Auge sticht, dass die Besitzer bemüht waren, die alte Bausubstanz so weit wie möglich zu erhalten und gleichzeitig eine moderne und super ausgestattete Ferienunterkunft bereitzustellen. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die großzügigen Liegeflächen rund um den großen und gepflegten Swimmingpool. Auf Grund der Höhe des gesamten Geländes genießt man einen weitläufigen Rundumblick in das Umland - auch während des Schwimmens vom Pool aus - und sieht nächtens in der Ferne die Lichter der Stadt Siena und der übrigen Orte in der Umgebung. Das Grundstück, der Pool und die Anlagen werden täglich gepflegt und sind immer tipp top. Auch die persönliche Betreuung durch die Vermieter, etwa ob etwas benötigt wird, ist ausgezeichnet. Die neue Poule de Petance - Anlage forderte uns zu spannenden Wettkämpfen heraus. Das Schachbrett war während unserer Anwesenheit kurz vor der Fertigstellung, ich stelle es mir aber spannend und erholsam zugleich vor, im Wald des Grundstücks eine Partie Schach zu spielen. Monte die Rota ist auch ein guter Ausgangspunkt für Wanderungen oder / und Mountainbiketouren in die Umgebung, wobei die genauen Karten und Wegbeschreibungen, die die Vermieter in einer Gästemappe zusammengestellt haben, äußerst hilfreich zu Orientierung sind. Nicht zuletzt soll der feste und mit solidem Untergrund versehene Zufahrtsweg erwähnt werden, der auch längeren und starken Regen (wie im heurigen Sommer öfter passiert) ohne Ausspülungen übersteht und super zu befahren ist. Dies war sicher nicht unser letzter Urlaub auf Monte di Rota - Fortsetzung wird folgen!

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Maurizio P, 08/26/2014
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The house matches the description, large, quiet with great views. The owners are at your disposal in case of need and of great kindness while being discreet. Again thank you for the bottle of olive oil and wine. Without hesitation, we will return to Monte di Rota. See you soon
La maison correspond bien au descriptif, grande, au calme avec une superbe vue. Les propriétaires sont à votre écoute en cas de besoin et d'une grande gentillesse tout en étant discret. Encore merci pour la bouteille d'huile d'olive et de vin. Sans hésitation, nous retournerons à Monte di Rota. A bientôt

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
Michel B, 08/16/2014
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Extremely satisfied with our choice, very friendly owners, beautiful location, nice tidy house, swimming pool top, continue all properties described there.
Uitermate tevreden over onze keuze, zeer vriendelijke eigenaars, prachtige locatie, mooie nette woning, zwembad top, verder alle accomodaties als omschreven aanwezig.

Villa Siena 8 people
Rental AMBRA, to approx. 18.6 mi from Siena - Siena - Tuscany
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