beach and seaside rentals studio apartments
Below are direct owner rentals sorted by by distance to beaches
Most economical - Owner DirectPaiement Sécurisé Location vacances$ 354 $ 763/week
Beachfront Seaview Wi-Fi access Property recommended by renters Secure Payment Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 8573
Beachfront Pleasure-boating port : 500 yd Seaview Internet - Wi-Fi access Property recommended by renters Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 67260
Most economical - Owner DirectPaiement Sécurisé Location vacances$ 542 $ 608/week
Beachfront Pleasure-boating port : 2.6 mi Seaview Shared pool Internet - Wi-Fi access Property recommended by renters Weekends and short stays accepted Secure Payment Air conditioning Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 67258
Most economical - Owner Direct$ 299 $ 984/week
Beachfront Internet - Wi-Fi access Air conditioning Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 127600
Most economical - Owner Direct$ 442 $ 885/week
Beachfront Seaview Internet - Wi-Fi access Property recommended by renters Air conditioning Nudist vacation Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 75599
Most economical - Owner Direct$ 454 $ 951/week
Beachfront Pleasure-boating port : 10.2 mi Seaview Internet - Wi-Fi access Property recommended by renters Weekends and short stays accepted Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 7879
Beachfront Seaview Rated/quality-labeled property : 3 stars Internet Property recommended by renters Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 9304
Beachfront Seaview Property recommended by renters Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 108657
Most economical - Owner Direct$ 343 $ 675/week
Beachfront Pleasure-boating port : 10.2 mi Internet - Wi-Fi access Property recommended by renters Weekends and short stays accepted Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 7884
Beachfront Property recommended by renters Air conditioning Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 76235
Beachfront Seaview Private pool Internet - Wi-Fi access Property recommended by renters Weekends and short stays accepted Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 124610
Most economical - Owner Direct$ 520 $ 940/week
Beachfront Seaview Internet - Wi-Fi access Property recommended by renters Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 123250
Most economical - Owner Direct$ 332 $ 608/week
Studio apartment Bastia 2 people
Beachfront Property recommended by renters Air conditioning Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 88511
Most economical - Owner Direct$ 387 $ 885/week
Beachfront Seaview Property recommended by renters Weekends and short stays accepted Air conditioning Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 121564
Beachfront Seaview Internet Property recommended by renters Pets allowed (w/ owner's approval)
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One-room apartment 121234 - Premium