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Bonassola vacation rentals apartments
Guest reviews for rentals in Bonassola
5 / 5
82 reviews - Page 5/5
Celine S, 09/03/2013
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The contact with the owner is very nice run, I got on arrival all the help. Levanto and surroundings are worth a visit
Het contact met de eigenaar is heel prettig verlopen, ik kreeg bij aankomst alle hulp. Levanto en omgeving zijn de moeite van het bezoeken waard

Apartment Levanto 4 to 6 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Levanto - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Jordan L, 04/26/2013
This text has been machine translated.
I went to this apartment with 4 friends, the view was magnificent balcony, the room was spacious and the apartment was clean;
If I can, I will return with more friends, the owner is friendly and he verramente Datto many information on things to see.

Buongiorno, Sono andato in questo appartamento con 4 amici, la vista era magnifica del balcone, la camera era spaziosa e l'appartamento era pulito; Se posso, ritornero con altri amici, il proprietario è verramente gentile e lui ci ha datto tanti informazioni sulle cose a vedere.

Apartment Levanto 4 to 6 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Levanto - La Spezia Province - Liguria
5 / 5
82 reviews - Page 5/5