Trinità D'Agultu E Vignola vacation rentals
Guest reviews for rentals in Trinità d'Agultu e Vignola
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107 reviews - Page 2/6
Vincenzo I, 09/24/2020
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I confirm that everything corresponds magnificent accommodation spectacular terrace beach at 50 real meters the country is quiet during the day very lively in the evening market supermarket bars pizzerias restaurants and ice cream parlors are all within a few meters. We thank Susanna and sebastiano always nice, kind and helpful. We will definitely recommend it. Lion kiss
Confermo che tutto corrisponde alloggio magnifico terrazza spettacolare spiaggia a 50 metri reali il paese è tranquillo di giorno molto vivace la sera market supermarket bar pizzerie ristoranti e gelaterie sono tutte nel raggio di pochi metri. Ringraziamo Susanna e sebastiano sempre carini gentili e disponibili. Sicuramente ci ritorneremo lo consigliamo. Bacione a leone

Villa apartment Isola Rossa 2 to 4 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Daniela V, 09/08/2020
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Holiday home in a quiet, clean and comfortable location. The bathroom a bit small and with mechanical suction ... perhaps the only problem as we are used to! We spent a relaxing holiday and the cool nights were a really good ally for a good rest.
The use of the car for the beach is recommended.
The Li Feruli beach with free access to dogs is very suggestive and for our Yago it was really a great thing.
The town is characteristic and equipped with the most necessary services. The only flaw is the absence of a gas station attendant ..
The owners were friendly and very discreet but present when needed.
Casa Vacanze in posizione tranquilla, pulita e confortevole. Il bagno un po’ piccolo e con aspirazione meccanica... forse l’unico problema per come siamo abituati! Abbiamo trascorso una vacanza in relax e le notti fresche sono state davvero un buon alleato al buon riposo. Consigliato l’uso dell’auto per la spiaggia. Molto suggestiva la spiaggia Li Feruli con libero accesso ai cani e per il nostro Yago è stata davvero una gran cosa. Il paese è caratteristico e dotato dei servizi più necessari. L’unico difetto è l’assenza di un benzinaio.. I proprietari sono stati cordiali e molto discreti ma presenti in caso di necessità.

Villa apartment Isola Rossa 5 to 6 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Malika A, 08/31/2019
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We had a pleasant stay in peace. Domenica was discreet but present when needed.
Clean house.
Thank you Domenica
Nous avons passé un agréable séjour au calme. Domenica était discrète mais présente en cas de besoin. Maison propre. Merci Domenica

Villa apartment Isola Rossa 5 to 6 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Stefano G, 08/27/2019
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Magnificently magnificent place you enter the water exactly 300 meters after a wonderful walk in the middle of nature with the wind that caresses your hair with our disabled daughter in a wheelchair with a slight effort we reach the beach meeting for the walk nice people is sometimes a very nice turtle, the space that separates the house from the sea is a charge of nature and freedom. The structure is very comfortable we were all very comfortable, simple but well-organized only one advice an addition of a dishwasher would not be bad, comfortable outdoor shower and a huge veranda that welcomes a large family where you do not suffer at all from the heat because it blows a night-night regenerating breeze we were accompanied by the symphony of the sea in short, that not only to say a vacation for the body but also for the mind ... Thanks
Posto magnificamente magnifico entri in acqua esattamente a 300 metri dopo una splendida passeggiata in mezzo alla natura con il vento che ti accarezza i capelli noi con nostra figlia disabile in carrozzella con un leggero sforzo raggiungiamo la spiaggia incontrando per la camminata persone simpatiche è a volte una tartaruga simpaticissima,lo spazio che divide la casa dal mare è una carica di natura e di libertà. La struttura è comodissima noi ci siamo stati tutti comodissimi, semplice ma ben organizzata unico consiglio un aggiunta di una lavastoviglie non sarebbe male,doccia esterna comodissima ed una veranda grandissima che accoglie una grande famiglia dove non si soffre per niente il caldo anche perché soffia un venticello rigenerante di notte-notte siamo stati accompagnati dalla sinfonia del mare insomma che dire non solo una vacanza per il corpo ma anche per la mente... Grazie

House Badesi 1 to 6 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 2.5 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Ilaria R, 08/21/2019
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Small two-room apartment very well maintained and a large terrace on which to have lunch and relax. Tastefully furnished interior, all new. Kitchen with everything you need (with oven). Discreetly comfortable double bed, large wardrobe. Bright with beautiful large windows with new fixtures. New bathroom with nice big shower. There are no hooks for hanging bathrobes. Excellent cleaning. Owner very kind, present to satisfy requests, privacy assured. Lovely place, very close to the Longa beach but also to all services. The village is delightful, small, suitable for families with children. In August we had windy days with rough seas (when the mistral is blowing) and days with a very calm sea. In the evening, stroll through stalls, nice clothes shops and some entertainment on the village terrace. It is necessary to use some tricks to protect yourself from mosquitoes. Very recommended holiday home for 2 people.
Bilocale piccolino molto ben tenuto ed un terrazzo grande su cui pranzare e rilassarsi. Interno arredato con gusto, tutto nuovo. Cucina con tutto il necessario (con forno). Letto matrimoniale discretamente comodo, armadio capiente. Luminoso con belle finestre grandi con infissi nuovi. Bagno nuovo con bella doccia grande. Non vi sono ganci per appendere accappatoi. Pulizia ottima. Proprietaria gentilissima, presente per soddisfare le richieste, privacy assicurata. Luogo incantevole, molto vicino alla spiaggia Longa ma anche a tutti i servizi. Il paesino è delizioso, piccolino, adatto a famiglie con bambini. Ad agosto abbiamo avuto giorni ventosi con mare mosso (quando spira il maestrale) e giorni con mare calmissimo. La sera si passeggia tra bancarelle, bei negozi di abbigliamento e qualche intrattenimento sulla terrazza del paese. E' necessario usare qualche accorgimento per proteggersi dalle zanzare. Casa vacanze molto consigliata per 2 persone.

Villa apartment Isola Rossa 2 to 4 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Andrea V, 08/18/2019
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Excellent apartment, well furnished, very clean and in a great location. Owner friendly and very helpful
Ottimo appartamento, ben arredato, molto pulito e in ottima posizione. Proprietario cordiale e molto disponibile
Agostino B, 08/14/2019
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Mr. Ra Domenica very kind and always present
Sig. Ra Domenica molto gentile e sempre presente

Studio apartment Isola Rossa 2 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Fioroni D, 08/12/2019
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Dated but basic apartment. Nothing was missing: very comfortable outdoor shower and barbecue.
A 2 minute walk from the beach of San Pietro where you can find large open spaces and equipped establishments.
Very windy place.
Very friendly and extremely helpful owners.

Appartamento datato ma essenziale. Non mancava nulla: doccia esterna molto comoda e barbecue. A 2 minuti a piedi dalla spiaggia di San Pietro dove si possono trovare grandi spazi liberi e stabilimenti attrezzati. Posto molto ventilato. Proprietari molto cordiali e disponibilissimi.

Apartment Valledoria 1 to 4 people
Rental Valledoria - Sassari Province - Sardinia
Incoronata M, 08/11/2019
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The apartment was near the sea, new, well maintained with a veranda at the front to have lunch and dinner outdoors with a sea view. A well-kept back porch where you can stay cool or hang clothes. The crystal clear sea and several beaches to visit. In the evening you can dine in the various restaurants all overlooking the sea. The owners Susanna and Sebastiano are kind and helpful people ... and the very sweet dog Leo, immediately made friends with my 2 and a half year old daughter. I highly recommend it.
L'appartamento era vicino al mare, nuovo, ben tenuto con veranda sul davanti per pranzare e cenare all'aperto con vista mare. Una veranda sul retro ben tenuto dove poter stare al fresco o stendere i panni. Il mare cristallino e diverse spiagge da visitare. La sera si può cenare nei diversi ristoranti situati tutti vista mare. I proprietari Susanna e Sebastiano sono persone gentili e disponibili....e il cane Leo dolcissimo, ha fatto subito amicizia con mia figlia di 2 anni e mezzo. Lo consiglio vivamente.

Villa apartment Isola Rossa 2 to 4 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Lucia M, 08/03/2019
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House equipped with everything you need, perfect for large families, two families or groups. Great location overlooking the gulf.
Casa dotata di tutto il necessario, perfetta per famiglie numerose, due famiglie o gruppi. Ottima posizione con vista sul golfo.

House Badesi 1 to 2 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 0.6 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Michele B, 07/25/2019
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Isola Rossa is a beautiful, peaceful place, but with everything you need for a fantastic holiday and, moreover, very convenient for reaching the most beautiful places in Northern Sardinia.
The apartment is very nice, comfortable, clean, fresh and located on the marina, with a wonderful view, a stone's throw from the beach of the port and from the long beach.
The owners, Franco and Anna, very nice, nice and helpful, made us feel at home ... Thanks!
We highly recommend it ...
As far as I'm concerned, I left a piece of my heart, so ... see you for sure !!!
Thank you,
Simona and family.
Isola Rossa è una località bellissima, tranquilla, ma con tutto ciò che occorre per una fantastica vacanza e, inoltre, molto comoda per raggiungere le più belle località del Nord-Sardegna. L'appartamento molto bello, comodo, pulito, fresco e situato sul porticciolo, con vista stupenda, a due passi dalla "spiaggia del porto" e dalla "spiaggia longa". I proprietari, Franco e Anna, molto simpatici, carini e disponibili, ci hanno fatto sentire come a casa nostra...Grazie ! Lo consigliamo vivamente... Per quanto mi riguarda, ci ho lasciato un pezzetto del mio cuore, quindi...arrivederci sicuramente !!! Grazie, Simona e famiglia.
Silvia R, 06/26/2019
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Beautiful place, the view from the house is even better than what is shown in the picture! Convenient and strategic location. The owner is as wonderful as his home. Highly recommended, we and our children have left us a piece of the heart ...
Posto stupendo, la vista dalla casa è ancora meglio rispetto a quanto mostrato in foto! Posizione comoda e strategica. Il proprietario è una persona stupenda quanto la sua casa. Consigliatissimo, noi e i nostri bimbi ci abbiamo lasciato un pezzetto di cuore...

Villa apartment Isola Rossa 2 to 4 people
Rental PADULEDDA, to approx. 0.6 mi from Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Jean Pierre R, 06/17/2019
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Beautiful villa overall that lacks a bit of modernity.
Small problem of intensity level electric meter (disjoncte often).
Villa not to rent in cold period (no heating).
Belle villa dans l'ensemble qui manque un peu de modernité. Petit problème d'intensité niveau compteur électrique (disjoncte souvent). Villa à ne pas louer en période froide (pas de chauffage).

House Badesi 1 to 2 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 0.6 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Cüneyt T, 10/18/2018
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Beautiful cottage right in the dunes by the sea. Very relaxing by absolute peace without traffic. Located on a large, private property with private beach access.
We had a completely relaxing holiday even with "own " turtle!
Wunderschönes Häuschen direkt in den Dünen am Meer. Sehr erholsam durch absolute Ruhe ohne Autoverkehr. Liegt auf einem großen, privaten Grundstück mit privatem Strandzugang. Wir hatten einen absolut erholsamen Urlaub sogar mit "eigener" Schildkröte!

House Badesi 1 to 6 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 2.5 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Birgit O, 10/14/2018
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Very nice and cozy house, Sardinian style, with a breathtaking view to the sea where you can enjoy stunningly beautiful sunsets. Nice garden land with green natural vegetation.
House is well equipped. When you open the front door you always have a small breeze. Lots of fans for each sleeping room. Nice surrounding.
Very nice and helpfull owner.
Many thanks for all, Bianca & Mum.
Very nice and cozy house, Sardinian style, with a breathtaking view to the sea where you can enjoy stunningly beautiful sunsets. Nice garden land with green natural vegetation. House is well equipped. If you open front and terrace door you always have a small breeze. Lots of fans for each sleepingroom. Nice surrounding. Very nice and helpfull owner. ***** Many thanks for all, Bianca & Mum.

House Badesi 1 to 2 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 0.6 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Birgit O, 10/14/2018
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Wonderful place to be. We spent 10 days there in July / August and even it was high season there were only a handful of other people. Beach and water are like in Caribbean.
The house is clean, modern style, always a cool feeling, even it's hot outside.
Equipped with everything you need, if something is missing the owner wants to organize it. Very warm welcome, we've got lots of helpful information in beforehand so that it helped the pre-planning home.
Big terrace with a BBQ and sunshade where you can sit and eat. And our highlight: open-air shower with fresh cold water, exactly what you need when coming from the beach.
We really enjoyed the time.
Thanks for all, Bianca & Mum.
Wonderful place to be. We spent 10 days there in July/August and even it was high season there were only a handfull of other people. Beach and water are like in Caribbean. The house is clean, modern style, always a cool feeling, even it is hot outside. Equipped with everything you need, if something is missing the owner will organize it. Very warm welcome, we got lots of helpful information already in beforehand so that it helped the pre-planning home. Big terrace with a BBQ and sunshade where you can sit and eat. And our highlight: open-air shower with fresh cold water, exactly what you need when coming from the beach. We really enjoyed the time. ***** Thanks for all, Bianca & Mum.

House Badesi 1 to 6 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 2.5 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Brigitte R, 09/21/2018
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Very nice, clean and functional rental.
Small things to improve:
- missing 1 bedside with lamp in the room.
- missing 1 extra lighting in the living room.
- chairs not very comfortable, possibly provide sun loungers.
- and finally last point, the most important: missing the WIFI.
Location très agréable, propre et fonctionnelle. Petits points à améliorer : - manque 1 chevet avec lampe dans la chambre. - manque 1 éclairage d'appoint dans la pièce à vivre. - chaises pas très confortables, prévoir éventuellement des chaises longues. - et enfin dernier point, le plus important : manque la WIFI.
Cüneyt T, 09/20/2018
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For vacationers who want peace it is a dream
Für Urlauber die ruhe möchten ist es ein Traum

House Badesi 1 to 6 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 2.5 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Silvia B, 08/28/2018
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The apartment is very nice, new, clean, tastefully decorated.
It has a large terrace with sea view, where you can dine.
The proximity to the sea is a great privilege: the house is actually 40 meters from the beach and close to supermarkets, clubs, shops.
It is ideal with small children, in fact it is possible to reach everything on foot in a few minutes.
Finally, last positive note for Susanna, always very kind and helpful.
L’appartamento è molto bello, nuovo, pulito, arredato con gusto. Dispone di una grande terrazza con vista mare, dove è possibile cenare. La vicinanza al mare è un gran privilegio: la casa si trova infatti a 40 metri effettivi dalla spiaggia e in prossimità di supermercati, locali, negozi. È l’ideale con bambini piccoli, infatti a è possibile raggiungere tutto a piedi in pochi minuti. Infine, ultima nota positiva per Susanna, sempre molto gentile e disponibile.

Villa apartment Isola Rossa 2 to 4 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Fabiana L, 08/22/2018
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My boyfriend and I stayed a week. The studio has been presented modest, very clean, equipped with everything, with a bathroom and a private porch. The holiday home is very close to everything and you can move everywhere on foot, without having to take the car.
The lady is very kind, caring and always available for anything. Going to this holiday home is certainly not wrong! We highly recommend it!
Io ed il mio fidanzato siamo rimasti una settimana. Il monolocale si è presentato modesto, pulitissimo, accessoriato di tutto, con un bagno ed una verandina privata. La casa vacanze è vicinissima a tutto e ci si può spostare ovunque a piedi, senza necessità di prendere l'auto. La signora è molto gentile, premurosa e sempre disponibile per qualsiasi cosa. Andando in questa casa vacanze non sbaglierete di certo!Ve la consigliamo altamente!

Studio apartment Isola Rossa 2 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
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